2016-04-09 12:52:12 UTC
I would really appreciate it if someone could please explain it to me in a simple easy to follow manner how to count back change to a customer, and showing me a by step by step guide with some easy basic examples.
Think of explaining, like you how you would explain this to child in elemantry who has anxiety and strugles with math and numbers. I would really appreciate examples and compassion please.
You see, I want to get a job, that has to deal with the till( cash register), and I've had bad experiences in the past that has caused me to freeze and blank out on the spot( anxietyand panic attacks.) My elementry sucked and failed at teaching students a helpful method and nor to implent the teachings of how to handle with money.
Again, let me reiterate. If you can make this explination simple, basic and in a way that's easy to comprehend for even a child. if it could also be a good method for those who have trouble being put on the spot, counting fast change, and have deep math problems. Thanks.
Ps: If you can suggest and links to any sites, books, youtube videos, samsung apps, blogs, etc would be HIGHLY APPRECIATED! Thanks!