Research of the Pros of Homework, Part 1
Research indicates that homework in general is extremely beneficial for students. The supporting research is somewhat dichotomous indicating (1) objective benefits ascertained from standardized test scores, and (2) subjective benefits ascertained from parents, teachers, and the students themselves.
"…[H]omework's effect on achievement can be described most accurately as above average," claims Harris Cooper in "Homework Research and Policy: A Review of Literature." (March 2000) Cooper indicates that, of twenty studies completed since 1962, fourteen are pro-homework. Of fifty studies correlating the time on homework with student achievement, Cooper states that forty-three of the studies showed students who did homework had better achievement. A typical homework-completing high school student, according to Cooper's research, will outperform students who do not do homework by 69% on standardized tests.
Debbie Reese in "Homework: What Does Research Say?", reinforces the data presented by Cooper. She also adds more data that runs consistent in much of the available data on homework: on standardized tests, homework-completing junior high students outperform homework non-completers by 35%. There seems to be no difference in scores in the elementary grades. (Reese, 1997)
By simply evaluating the effectiveness of homework using behaviorist evaluation techniques such as standardized testing, one can ascertain that the short-term stimulus of assigning homework reaps the long-term response of improved student achievement.
Research of the Pros of Homework, Part 2
In the article "How Important Is Homework," a summary of the U.S. Department of Education's stance on the issue provided by Kid Source Online nicely summarizes the subjective benefits of homework:
It serves as an intellectual discipline, establishes study habits, eases time constraints on the amount of curricular material that can be covered in class, and supplements and reinforces work done in school. In addition, it fosters student initiative, independence, and responsibility, and brings home and school closer together.
Harris Cooper (1994) presents immediate and long-term effects of homework:
Immediate: Students retain information and understand material better. Critical thinking and concept formation are increased. Information processing is improved, and the curriculum in enriched.
Long-term academic: Learning is encouraged during leisure time. Attitude toward school is improved. Study habits and skills are better.
Long-term non-academic: Students have greater self-direction and self-discipline. Time management is easier for students. Students are more inquisitive and participate in more independent problem solving.
Even though the objective statistics claim homework in the elementary level has little effect on testing, Diana Brown suggests that a reasonable amount of homework for younger students has benefits. Self-responsibility is cultivated when a student completes and hands in an assignment, no matter how small. In addition, the simple assignment of reading at home has shown to have a positive effect on student achievement.
Nancy Paulu (2000) indicates that parents can reap benefits from homework, also. The assignment of homework can help them learn about and become involved in their child's education. They can also communicate more with their children and their schools. Perhaps most importantly, parents who promote homework can assist teachers in creating a lifelong love of learning.
This site also has cons but I can't copy them.