Short answer: top three: CS, Engineering, Business. But being a professor is much more than teaching.
First off, there are many types of "college", and the top colleges/universities are far more about research than teaching. Most college's require Professors to have a Doctorate (generally Ph.D), which means you'll have to do some research. Tenure at even more teaching oriented school's still depend on research. So what every you choose it better be something you are good at and something you want to spend a LOT of time doing.
Being a prof is a bit like running a small business. You need many skills (research, teaching, proposal writing, management of people, managing budgets,etc). Its a lot of work, but it is the best job there is.
If you are thinking it sounds like an easy job, forget about it. Its a job that doing well takes many hours, but most profs really love their job so its not really work. I (we) love what we do, so its more like hours of fun.
Both teaching and research are rewarding and part of why I wanted to become a professor, which I decided in 6th grade. I originally wanted physics, but talking to physics prof and grad students I learned the job market there is very difficult. Talking to students I learned most disliked their physics profs. I talked to many profs, looked at the potential job market (in and out of academic) and decided where I wanted to go. The more jobs for Ph.d. in a field outside academics, the more job potential inside academics. Looking at current jobs lists is difficult, the best fields may be those that don't exist yet and what is hot now may cool in 10 years.
I switched to CS, and still think that is one of the Best choices because there are so many non-academic jobs that use Ph.Ds. its still a growing field, but academic jobs are hard to get. Security is hot now, but by the time you get you degree who knows.
Any engineering will still have demand, but its tough. Something new (bioengineering, green energy, etc) may have more openings but could also fade in a decade.
Business can also be good, again because there is a market for the skills outside of academics. While most students can be paid (as a GRA) to work while getting their Ph.D. in CS or Engineering, expect to pay for Business school.
Chem and Bio are okay in the job area as the biotech and other sectors take some away from academics.
The lack of external jobs is why physics, and any liberal art field is very very tough (and pays much less. A prof in English or history might make less than a starting engineer in industry with a BS or MS. )
If you are thinking about this, find some good "research" prof you can in your area, even if you are in HS, and start a conversation. Most don't bite and if you say you are interested in research will be interested in talking. I talk to a dozen or so HS students every hear, hire 1-2 ever year (and dozens of undergraduates). In in DC with some of my students, and a student that started with me in HS, now a Junior in College, is presenting his first paper at an international conference. I'm helping him get ready for a good Ph.D. program so he can become a professor (his goals). I've lead a dozen students to becoming Ph.D. students many of who started as undergraduates and some of who I met while they were in H.S. This is something you can get started on now.