Michael Jenkins
2012-04-01 19:34:56 UTC
One day out of the week, she'd set aside actually teaching to speak her own thoughts and beliefs and what not. I never really thought anything of it. I just slept through it, usually.
Until one particular day, she brought in a picture of a late-term aborted fetus. And then rambled on and on about how abortion is wrong in the eyes of the lord and that getting an abortion puts you on the "path way to hell." Her words, not mine.
Just kind of felt like she was trying to scare a few of the newly pregnant girls in our school. (inner city school. Teen pregnancy was pretty common.) What really bothered me was that the state I was in doesn't practice late term abortion. So this kind of proved to me that she was trying to instill fear into these young girls.
Was she breaking the law when she did this? Did she cross the line of separation of church and state? I wanted to say something, but I lived in the bible belt. And most students liked and agreed with her on most views. I didn't want to be the kid who got every ones favorite teacher suspended or perhaps even fired.
What do you think? Did she cross the line?