2011-03-15 17:26:54 UTC
So finally my problem is that Im doing really really really bad in math...this semester is almost halfway done and Im getting 59% as of right now. Last year in grade 9 I got a final mark of 76% without that much effort which was pretty good in my opinion. But this year is stressing me out ALOT... I pay attention in class and I take notes and do my homework all the time but I still do bad, whenever we have quizzes or tests I get nervous and choke so always end up failing... and today we had a math quiz which I thought I was going to do well in but I ended up with 2.5/10! While most people got like 7.5/10 or higher... Im also worried because since I'm basically failing all the units my math class learned so far, Im scared that I will do really bad in the math provincial exam (its like SAT's - I live in Canada) which counts 20% for my final grade.
I know a part of this problem is probably because I always either procrastinate and end up studying last minute or I have to study and do work for a different class which makes me tired and by the time I get to math I'm too exhausted to concentrate on studying, and another is whenever I'm writing a math test or quiz, I feel intimidated by the questions and start over-thinking and end up spending 10 minutes on one question T.T. So do you have any tips for me? And do you think it's still possible for me to raise up to at least an 80%?
sorry if it's too long or if i dont make sense, im just so disappointed in myself right now
thanks for reading