As a new High School teacher I want to motivate my students to appreciate learning. Any suggestions?
2006-06-22 09:06:40 UTC
I will teach American History to juniors primarily. I want feedback from students and teachers with serious ideas. I will try to implement your ideas in my classes. I am older than most teachers; this is a 2nd career for me, and I am pretty accomplished, and I want to share my values and what I have learned in life with my kids in class. I can not wait to begin my new career. I really want to hear from you guys!!
23 answers:
2006-06-22 09:22:55 UTC
I was a youth leader a few years ago, and I know that if you make the material relevant, they will be interested.

Despite what one of the answerers says, kids DO want to learn, they are just tired of having to memorize facts and dates and doing busy-work. They've been doing it for YEARS, you know?

We need passionate high school teachers--passionate about their subjects, and passionate about their students.

I know a teacher who has his students do a family tree--isn't that great?! They learn something about their OWN heritage and history, and then fit it into a larger context.

And use music. Nothing grabs their attention like it--and I know you can use today's music--either juxtaposed or complementarily.

High schoolers are just like us--if we can connect something we KNOW to what we have to learn, we pick it up much more easily.

What's going on right now that they care about? I know my son--a senior next year--is disgusted with the state of affairs--the environment, people driving gas-hogs, politicians lying.

How exciting for you! And what a gift to be able to touch young lives in a way that will impact them for years to come.

Good luck!
2016-03-27 05:00:56 UTC
If the students are not really motivated to learn a language, there is nothing that you can do to make them motivated. Be honest, how many of them are ever going to retain any of the lessons, or use the language, once they have finished your class, and left school ? You will naturally think that your classes are great ; but your opinion is not the one that matters in this situation ! I know that it must be hurtful, but your students' attitudes are telling you something important, which you seem to be trying to deny. Perhaps you are trying too hard. Too many different, and perhaps, inessential, peripheral activities which do not really increase the knowledge of the language. This is what I suspect they mean by "busy work". Ease off, cut down on the writing assignments, because I suspect that this is what they hate the most. What is the pass rate / failure rate ? Would it plummet disastrously if you dropped some of the extraneous material that they did not really need for exam purposes, like the culture, and the quizzes ? It does seem to be obvious that some changes are called for, but what they are specifically must depend upon the type of students you have. But in the end, I come back to my opening remark. If they are not motivated, you are just flogging yourself unnecessarily hard to no effect.
green is clean
2006-06-22 09:17:22 UTC
High school students need a miracle to appreciate learning. Even "good" students don't necessarily appreciate learning...they just do it for the grades. But if you don't have a miracle handy, I suggest this: Be very enthusiastic about what you teach, and stay friendly (but firm) no matter what. Thinking back, all of the teachers I liked and learned something from, had these qualities.

For example, I had a history prof in jr. college that I still keep in touch with. I HATED history. She made me learn it and love it because of her approach. She was very hyper and fast-paced and got so excited about what she was teaching. She talked about history like it was a soap oprah, but with intelligence. I couldn't wait to go to class. She also had a very welcoming non-threatening demeanor about her so it was easy to approach her with questions. She rewarded students with verbal praise when they did well. She always maintained control of her class so she never got stepped on, but she did it in such a way as to not alienate anyone.

Anyway, you get the idea.
2006-06-22 09:37:43 UTC
The key (in my view) to get anyone to learn is to make it "meaningful to the student". I teach business at the high school and community college level and have been very successful in knowledge acquisition. My students are primarily underprivilaged to poverty of many different ethnicities. Learning is not at the top of their mindframe. However, I make what I have to say important to them now and to their future (must be close future). What I teach can directly help them off the streets and getting a job, history may be a bit tougher. Perhaps using the "what if" scenerio; working in groups; tactical projects instead of all papers; incorporating computers (Powerpoint); and your excitment to the information.

Kids are not much different than adults. They do not like being "told" what to do. I give options and allow them to succeed or fail. They understand that I am here for them and if they want to pass, I will help them if they continue to help themselves. PLay no favorites! Respect the individual and put aside the "I am the adult you will do as I say" attitude. Do that and you will be done before you start.

Good luck!! Don't let negative people ruin your positive influence on today's youth--tomorrow's adults!
Ian M
2006-06-22 09:13:09 UTC
Speaking as a student, the times I appreciate learning the most is when I can finally apply what I learned and figure something new out on my own. Learning is all about making connections and understanding, not just memorizing dates. With history, its a bit harder to implement things like this, but its what I find really worked. Perhaps trying to get students to understand a given situation and come to their decision before learning what decision was historically made. See how close they come.
2006-06-22 09:16:38 UTC
Students will respond if they feel that you are generally taking an interest in them. It takes work. Most days you have to play many rolls; teacher, counselor, father/mother figure, friend. Students will quickly find out if you are for real or full of bull. Just be honest with them and do the best you can. Teaching is a noble profession. I will you all the luck in the world.
2006-06-22 09:12:35 UTC
The key is to make it interesting for them. Read obscure books that give a different perspective than the mainstream or the textbook you are using for the class. Read about how their lives would have been at the time. What would they have worn, what would their day have been like. What were they expected to say and do. If you can take a lesson and allow them to visualize it, it will make more of an impact than if you make them read about it and thats it. The best classes I have taken have always ended up as more of a discussion group rather than a lecture. Find out what they think and keep them involved.
2006-06-22 09:14:40 UTC
Wow... American History. It's one of those classes that can either be a real bore or won of the best classes in the world. It all depends on your teaching technique. Be passionate and well informed about what you are teaching. The students will be able to tell if you don't care; if you don't care, why should they? When talking about a historical figure, bring up interesting facts about them. Just be yourself. If you respect them, they will respect you.
2006-06-22 09:13:40 UTC
I agree with Frankie.....dress up, put on plays and have the students act out characters, and play games and give out treats to those who do the best. When I was in high school my English lit teacher had us dioramas of stories, maybe you can have your students do them about different points in History. Just make it fun and have them get involved. Not only will they have fun but they will learn in the process and the more they learn, the more you will feel better about yourself and your job. Good Luck!
Cristal D
2006-06-22 09:11:26 UTC
First, make the class interesting.....

It could be a real turn off if the class is boring especially History......

You aren't going to find many student who enjoy this subject.....

Maybe start with some current events at the beginning of the class....

Get the students talking........

Letting them be aware of what's occuring and how one that'll turn into history and they are witnessing it....

Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have an Awsome school year!!!!!!!!
2006-06-22 09:09:42 UTC
I think the best teachers help students feel empowered about learning.

The dates and the names and all those memorized things are important - but it is the stories that brings history alive for students. You need to balance the routine basics, with the stories that will capture their attention.
2006-06-22 09:16:12 UTC
Don't teach them what to learn -- teach them how to learn.

A silent classroom is not a learning classroom. Encourage the sharing of ideas and thoughts (but not clowning).

Our classrooms today run the same as they did 200 years ago. It's past-due to adapt. Our society has changed. It has become more complicated in many ways. It has also become more fruitful, and people need to adapt and learn how to take advantage of it.
2006-06-22 09:09:38 UTC
Play dress up as the charcter or the scene your trying to discuss or give out treats you always get response if you give out treats make them study like a certain section and say that next time when you come in we are going to play jepordy with the section they have learn and who ever wins get a prize. Us games and visuals to teach plus rewards.
2006-06-22 09:11:17 UTC
My most memorable teachers made everything interesting. Kids like interactive. Have them act it out. It's tough because each kid will learn differently - some are kinesthetic, some are visual - take time and learn what works for them. GOOD LUCK and kudos to you.
2006-06-22 09:08:39 UTC
Kids in highschool aren't there to learn. Teach college if you want students who care.
Shane H
2006-06-25 20:57:00 UTC
definitely you've gonna believe in yourself and what you believe in. coz if you don't, they don't believe in you either. try to make a relaxed and fun environment. but still be strict. make hw the most percentage of the class..tell them to write all their hws in a notebook. and you keep track of the hws on a list. stamp the hws daily. then check their notebooks monthly.

don't give them so many tests and quizzies when it's not neccessary. give them tests and quizzies as punishments or make it look like it's something you have to do.

be friendly...joke around. be easy but make them respect you.

do research on those stuff you're gonna teach!! extra extra resources! amuse them!!
2006-06-22 09:10:01 UTC
Get them involved in what your teaching. Let them teach each other some of the lessons. Teach them life lessons...that's what I remember a lot of my teachers for.
2006-06-22 09:11:12 UTC
when i was in school it was much easier to hear first how the lessons were going to help me in life . for history i would say just to have general knowledge during adult conversations . history is tuff though , it would be hard to convince students that history will be beneficial in life
2006-06-22 09:11:31 UTC
Well if u make it fun then we will pay attention. but i mean u don't have to make it to fun so we are interrested u know. Don't be like all boring cuz we will fall asleep trust me.aug a little make a few jokes.
Jip Jip
2006-06-22 09:16:40 UTC
outside classroom activity on the history of the city or town you are living in and what impact or how your town came about in relation to the birth of our nation
A Dizzle
2006-06-22 09:09:24 UTC
Bribe them with stuff. If my teachers bribed me I would not have dropped out in 9th grade
2006-06-22 09:11:00 UTC
Bribes and/or mace!
2006-06-22 09:08:31 UTC
shoot m if they dont obey

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