2011-08-22 23:33:54 UTC
If I have to read one more question which is 40 lines long and contains NO punctuation I may need to go to the ER to have them stop my eyes bleeding. I mentally run out of breath while I am reading them.
How hard is it to use a paragraph or a fullstop.
Texting is KILLING the English (and possibly all other) languages.
I am starting to wonder whether the great social divide will be about those who can spell SHOULD as opposed to SHUD or those who create a logical presentation as opposed to those whose first slide will kick off the presentation with the word LIKE....Like the most important like way to communicate like with your .... you see where I am going.
OK - I now feel a little less like stabbing these children in the eyes with a pencil and will wander back to illiteracy land.
So - what are your thoughts?