Laney J
2012-01-19 01:33:06 UTC
I am now in the first semester of teaching, and I am experiencing some difficulties. I do not have a mentor teacher/any help.
I was assigned two different classes: A general chemistry class and an integrated chemistry class (for lower level students that do not have a desire to pursue careers in science and/or plan on going to college).
The chemistry class is very open and happy with the way I teach, and regularly give me feedback. The integrated chemistry classes I teach are a different story....
I went into this not knowing very much about how to teach the integrated classes (as I haven't been trained on how to construct the classes to differentiate for their needs). I spend a lot of time making lessons filled with activities and other educational methods (I try different things to see what works best). The kids are generally nice and most put at least some effort into their learning. However, one of the integrated classes I have has 14 students in it (very small class in comparison to the others). This particular class makes it known everyday how much they do not like me. One girl transferred out of my class into a different integrated class taught at the same time. When this happened, I was very upset because she was doing well in my class and never expressed any concern, but was freely moved from my class. Many of these students in this particular class have had the same integrated teacher for the physics section, and try to get moved into his class instead of mine. When the girl was moved out of my class, she went into the other and coincidentally all of her friends are in that class.
To this class, I am constantly hearing complaints, and at first I varied my approach to teaching to accommodate. However, it is not working and I feel the class gangs up on me quite a bit.
Note: Most students are getting decent grades
The other integrated teacher I am being compared to teaches by having students read aloud from their textbooks and lectures in between readings. He has students write their vocabulary definitions 5 x's each, and then quizzes them over the words.
Reading aloud from the textbook is not my style, I prefer powerpoint presentations when lecturing.
My question is, how do I deal with this class? The constant complaining and going behind my back is really starting to ware on me. I really would appreciate any suggestions.
Also, if you teach any lower level classes, how do you structure them? I have been told to keep lecturing to a minimum with them since they don't respond to it well, but then they complain that they don't know the material. I kind of feel like ever since the one girl was allowed to transfer out of my class, I have had many problems with this class and being a new teacher with very little help, I am not sure what to do!