Casey had you talked this over with your teacher(s)?
And if by chance you did not, you should be able to
talk to your teacher(s), explain the situation you are going through and
ask for a chance to get caught up.
If you feel you are not being understood or that this school is not acting in
your best interest ( because, You have being trying ) to get your education,
then You look for a school in your area
that would work with you on getting your education.
So Casey, my advise to you is this...don't get caught up in the emotional stuff right now.
Over the Christmas holidays,
take the time to think about what you really want out of Casey's life.
Do you want to be a bi-stander?
Or do you want to play the game?
Casey, what do you love most of all?
What are you passionate about?
Do you like working with music, vehicle's, animals....
How can you incorporate that love into a positive that will employ you?
Please don't think that the teachers are out to get you.
They're just doing their jobs Casey, just like you are living your life.
For some reason, for now, your worlds are not on the some page.
I hope you understand.
They are only teachers and the messengers of news that you rather not hear.
Be the man that You see yourself as wanting to be.
This is heavy information, I get that, but make no mistake...
This is Your life and You are in charge of it, right?
What could you have done differently. You couldn't have. Not with all the stuff that was going on in your life, Right.
You know what happened to cause this delay in your education.
You're a smart man Casey, and I don't doubt that you'll get the education you need very soon.
Have patients. You will see in time You'll have that opportunity to do those tests and move forward.
Take what you know (that's Yourself) to change with in. What's your purpose in life?
Find the time, soon after Christmas to turn your study time into full-time studies.
You should be able to get back to school at a more full-time compatibility, so that you can work towards your diploma and then onto what you can see yourself doing that employs you a good living.
Hopefully something positively enjoyable.
Something that you love doing.
If I was you, but I'm not, I would chat it up with those that are "the teachers at the school you're going to" and see what where you can go from here. It's only been a few months that were not so good for you
Right now over Christmas isn't the time you want to focus so much about that stuff.
Yes you've got it on your mind however
You have things to do and places to head too, people and family to caught up with.
Dear Casey, It's Christmas, let your heart soften and enjoy the child within you.
Merry Christmas big guy and may all your wishes come true.
From my heart to yours, all the best.