2011-02-10 20:32:45 UTC
Like for the Pythagorean Theorem he would require us to show every single step- well that is if we want the full marks. Even on our homework. For example:
252+222= a2
625-484= a2
141= a2
√141= a
This is really annoying me, as I learned this quite a while ago and can do it in my head, while my answer will still be correct. Besides, he says that we might have to use this theorem in life someday, but how are we supposed to answer it, if we cannot do it in our head. I understand that this is preparing us for harder questions, but when the time comes, I'll show my work if I see it benefits me.
I wanted to tell my teacher, but he wants it his way, and says it's fine if I don't show all the steps, I just won't get full marks. This is really frustrating as I usually have a 96%-98% in math. :( I don't want to get on his bad side, as he isn't all that nice to start with. (He is the only math teacher at my school that teaches that type of math.) What can I do? Is there even anything I can do???
P.S. I am thinking to see if I can take the course distant, or get the work ahead of time. This is as I do not think I would be able to boycott, the homework altogether. Or do it in my head and show minimal for. Besides, for the past few classes, we've done almost nothing for half of the class. I find this aggravating, as I can spend my time a lot more effectively, and it does not take me long to do my math homework.
And I am fully capable and responsible of teaching myself new math concepts.
P. S. S. I almost never have any problems with any that my teacher assign me to do, but right now, it seems completely unreasonable.
Please help...
Thank you!