With a dictionary, we find the meaning of a word. With a thesaurus, we find other words that have the same / similar meaning as a particular word.
This means that someone who knows how to use a thesaurus has more "word power", in the sense that he / she is able to look for the word that is most suitable in the particular writing context. You know how sometimes you want to say (or in this case write) something, you know what you want to say but you feel the word you have in your head is not the best one? With a thesaurus, you look for the word in your head, and you'll see all other words that have similar / same meaning as that word. Chances are, one of those words will be more suitable in a particular context.
Skills in thesaurus usage:
Hmmm... I dunno about this: Ability to spell? -- if u don't know how to spell the original word, u can't find it in the thesaurus. Unless u use one of the online intelligent ones...
However, most people don't bother using thesaurus because it is more like a "treasure hunt", as one word leads you to another and another and another until you find the one that truly meets your requirement. So, probably someone who wants to use a thesaurus needs to have a sense of adventure and curiousity.
You can list simple sentences, and have workshop participants list other alternative ways in which the same message can be expressed.
If you want to make the above "exercise" more exciting (and more difficult maybe), you can specify the context. For example:
"I want more copies of this letter."
"I would like to have additional duplicates of this correspondence."
"I fancy more photocopies of this missive"
etc etc etc
I should tell you also that I only use online thesaurus. The hardcopy version I fined too difficult and unwieldy, I usually don't bother. You might want to include that particular exercise as part of your workshop too -- different ways of using thesaurus: online and "snail" version.