1) A childs parents told you that a member of staff hit their child, what would you do? - report it to your manager and ask the parent to speak to them, it isnt something you can deal with on your own. it needs investigating.
2) How can you make mealtimes more enjoyable? - by sitting with the children, helping them and talking to them, it gives shyer children a chance to talk in a small group and can build confidence. it makes the children feel good if an adult eats with them and talks to them giving them more attention.
3) what can you do to console a child who cant sleep at nap times? - speak to the parents and ask if the child has a special sleep toy ot blanket and ask them to bring it in so it may help settle the child. Keep the child in a routine, make sure its the same member of staff consoling her each time so that she gets continutity. stroke their heads and talk softly to them, remain calm and patient.
4) A child is crying and throwing tantrums and isn't settling in the nursery, what would you do? talk to parents, find out what they like doing at home and try to get some activities ready before they come in that they like, introduce trial session, let the parents stay with them for half an hour and play with their child, then allow them to go home, next time, parent stays for 15 mins, then leaves and comes back 15 mins later to collect child, next time child is left for half an hour etc lengthening it each time. again bring in something comforting from home.
5) how to get parents , who work full time, involved with their children? - send home letters encouraging parents to come in for special sessions eg painting days, where parents can come in and paint with their children. if they cant come in then have home books, where you can write notes to parents and stick in pictures their child has done or photos of their child at nursery , ask them to do the same thing so that you still have things to share with the child at nursery and they can talk about their day with their parents. Hold parent evenings in the evening around 730 and maybe a coffee morning once a month, so they can have a morning off work once in a while to come in and see you.
6) how would you ensure team work? - good communication, making sure everyone knows their job via a job description, a written daily routine so that new staff can see what happens next and be one step a head and a good induction so that new staff know the policies and procedures. staff meetings and apraiasals give a chance for everyone to talk about how they feel and what problems have arisen that month and how they think they should be resolved. both in a group and individually
7) what does a professional look like to you? how should they be? - confident, calm, happy, smiley, warm, welcoming and friendly. talk to parents and children when they come into nursery not just one or the other, be approachable and infromative and knowledgable without being bossy or overbearing
8) what does the EYFS mean in work, how do you relate to it in your setting? - the EYFS is a tool to help you ensure that the children are being educated in all areas and devleoping at the rate they should be. It will highlight any areas of concern and give you ideas of how to overcome them. individually the EYFS allows key workers to have a framework to measure childrens achievements and educational understanding and ensure that they are all heading in the right direction, if not then the key worker needs to do something about it.
9) if two children were fighting over a toy, how would you get them to share? use a sandtimer or alarm clock, allow one to play with it for 5 mins ) till the sand runs out or the alarm goes off) and then the other child. distract the child who is waiting with another toy or play a game with them, use lots of praise when they do share
10) theres an argument betwen staff or parents what would you do? - ask them to take it out of the room away from the children, and come back when they have calmed down. if its a constant battle between staff talk to your manager about it as it will effect the children and the staff will need to be seperated into diferent rooms so they dont have to work together.
hope this helped!