2009-09-04 07:55:10 UTC
The King of Salem explained that a person’s Personal Legend is something they have always wanted to accomplish; something they have always dreamed about doing. Paulo Coelho, the author of The Alchemist, introduced a variety of characters and each had their own Personal Legend; some had already completed their Personal Legends, whilst others had given up; a few had yet to figure out their Personal Legends, and those who had were still seeking them out. Santiago’s Personal Legend is to find hidden treasure. The baker’s personal legend is to travel. The candy merchant, however, is content with selling candy. When you are living in a world that bends and adjusts itself to help you achieve your one true dream and that dream is making and selling candy, it seems like such a waste. It really got me thinking. How could anybody be happy making candy when they could be discovering new lands or building great cities? Why did the author make such a character? I think Coelho wanted to tell his readers that you don’t need to be the richest man on the earth to be happy. A candy merchant can experience joys and pleasures that a king never does. If you spend your life wallowing in self-pity, envy, and vanity, you’ll never be happy. You can live in a shack and be one of the happiest people in the world. Unfortunately, some people never realize that. Adventure and sightseeing isn’t for everyone; in fact, many people are fine living in the same house their entire life. You can learn a lot from people like the candy merchant.