As a former engineer, soldier, and artist who survived twelve years as a homeless writer and artist, I have many ways to explain basic math, even algebra.
You don't have to be afraid of math. It is a language, a universal language, that describes us and our world.
I use everything: fingers, toes, objects in the classroom, what's outside as viewed from the window, newspaper stories, cartoons, films, even show and tell objects.
I consult and quote from Isaac Asimov, Ptolemy, Descartes, Pascal, Leibnitz, and others.
Above all, I let them know that even though at one point I was getting a D, I succeeded in becoming the top student in 7th grade algebra, and I tell them how I did it: through study, concentration, asking for help, and doing all my homework plus the extra credit. I show them that people can succeed no matter how bad a situation they're in.