I have a realy mean teacher and she hates me i have to spend all day with her what do i do?
courtney the smart 1
2006-04-06 14:50:15 UTC
I am in 5th grade so we dont switch off teachers we have them for a whole day 5 days a week all year what do i do to make her like me and be nice to me?
Seven answers:
2006-04-09 12:10:48 UTC
What does she say/do that makes you specifically think she is mean?

Instead of worrying about what she is doing, you should be thinking about what you are doing. Teachers REACT to student behavior. Therefore, there is probably something you are doing that angers her. Are you doing your work, staying quiet (except for class discussion time), helping around the classroom during cleanup, waiting politely for help and asking courteously, etc.?

If your HONEST answer to each of the above is yes, you are hard-working, courteous, and helpful, then look at the overall class behavior. Are there people who are just absolutely driving her nuts? If that is the case, talk to her about your feelings when she yells at everyone when it's only a few people... and time when you are going to talk to her carefully. Wait for a moment when she smiles when she sees!

If all the students are courteous, hard-working, and helpful, then she's stressed out about her colleagues or her private life. Talk to your parents about your feelings, and remember that the end of the school year is very soon!
2006-04-07 01:14:47 UTC
Let me guess: your not doing well in school, right?

I'll bet your teacher doesn't hate you -- otherwise, she wouldn't be a teacher.

Here are some things to try:

- Be polite in class, like don't interrupt or leave your seat without permission

- Tell your teacher after school that you really want to do well in her class. Ask her for some ways you can do better.

- Do all of your homework, and show her you want to do a good job.
2006-04-06 22:00:20 UTC
Try finding something you have in common with her.

I hated a math teacher until I found out she had a dog, and played with it in the park. For the first time, I realized she was human and actually had emotions... and a heart. It was the beginning of a great amount of respect for her. My grades shot up and from then on, I actually cared what she said. I actually majored in math (in high school).
The Invisible Woman
2006-04-06 21:54:16 UTC
You should talk to your parents and have them help you out. Like have them talk to her or maybe have you switched to another class if there is more than one class of 5th graders or new school. I have had that experience and I was put into a new class.
2006-04-07 02:00:58 UTC
Why do you think she hates you? Just be nice and do what you're supposed to in class. If there is someone else in the class that is causing you to get in trouble, stay away from them.
2006-04-06 21:51:15 UTC
well at least the school year is almost over, just tough it out its really all you can do.
2006-04-06 21:54:08 UTC
What do you do to make her feel that way?

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