Everyday Math is a program that came from researchers from the University of Chicago. There are three guiding principles for the program:
• Students acquire knowledge and skills, and develop an understanding of mathematics from their own experience. Mathematics is more meaningful when it is rooted in real life contexts and situations, and when children are given the opportunity to become actively involved in learning. Teachers and other adults play a very important role in providing children with rich and meaningful mathematical experiences.
• Children begin school with more mathematical knowledge and intuition than previously believed. A K-6 curriculum should build on this intuitive and concrete foundation, gradually helping children gain an understanding of the abstract and symbolic.
• Teachers, and their ability to provide excellent instruction, are the key factors in the success of any program. Previous efforts to reform mathematics instruction failed because they did not adequately consider the working lives of teachers."
The program addresses learning in the following mathematical strands:
• Algebra and Uses of Variables
• Data and Chance
• Geometry and Spatial Sense
• Measures and Measurement
• Numeration and Order
• Patterns, Functions, and Sequences
• Operations
• Reference Frames
There are a lot of hands-on activities. Also there is a great focus on problem solving. Students don't learn from drill and kill. Students learn may different ways to solve a problem. The lessons are well-designed. I do say the program is short of the necessary practice that students may need.
You will hate Everyday Math when you first begin as is it might not be the approach as you are used to. (Students and parents feel this way too.) My advice to you is to be patient. It gets better over time, and once your students have had this program for a couple of years, your school should notice a definite increase in student scores.
You may need to do some aligning with the standards of your particular state, but I found that for my state, lessons were closely aligned.