How to get resources about teaching of poetry and prose at secondary school?
2006-03-11 12:31:26 UTC
Plese im seriour, i really in need to such resources 2 help me in my higer studies.I will be expecting useful answers form u. Thanks a lot.
Three answers:
2006-03-13 10:49:45 UTC
YOu should probably invest in a good resource book to help you such as the one at one of the websites I've attached. YOu probably also need to talk to other people about this because from your question it is difficult to determine exactly what you need - are you a student yourself learning to be a teacher? Are you a high school student? Are you already teaching? The wording of your question suggests you need to do a lot of work to be prepared to teach poetry and prose to high school students.

I hope this is of some help.
2016-12-12 23:32:42 UTC
no longer each creation scientist has a loudspeaker or a megaphone and is going to Capitol Hill to protest evolution in our colleges. some surely evaluate evolution to be a extraordinarily precise theory for the way organic and organic existence transformations by skill of the years. each controversy has its extremists on both ends of the spectrum, and they are those who have a tendency to get the most media interest. you be conscious it with significant political activities for all time. EDIT: seem up Dr. Georgia Purdom, in case you want to study about a valid creation scientist with a biology-proper field. She received a Ph. D. in molecular genetics.
2006-03-11 12:33:51 UTC
Try these and work on your spelling.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.