how do u describe ur self as a learner ? and what is your learning style ?
2006-01-22 01:09:57 UTC
please each of u tell me about her or his learning style in a paraghraph .. i need it for a survey

thank you
Two answers:
2006-01-22 01:12:36 UTC
I'm what is known as a kinesthetic learner. Kinesthetic is great, because you learn by doing. Someone can tell me what to do, or show me what to do, but until I actually do it do I get the hang of it and devise easier ways to do it. It's like learing to ride a bike. Someone telling you what to do or showing you how to do it, you're not going to pick it up.
2006-01-22 02:15:06 UTC
experience is the best teacher. i learn by doing. concepts are good but to concretize them, application is needed IMO.

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