why should we teach the bible in schools?
2017-01-28 18:44:24 UTC
why should we teach the bible in schools?
184 answers:
2017-03-12 10:51:11 UTC
no... the bible should be taught at bible college or by a trained pastor at church...
2017-02-26 18:39:38 UTC
'cause kids are becoming so immoral they do stuff that even pornstars would blush at

and they're smart enough to upload it online now (eg... french kissing, giving head etc)

isn't this proof the world needs a little god in their life? didn't we learn anything from 'the exorcist'?? there was a scene at the beginning where you see a religious statue covered in graffiti,

whether you believe in god or not, this represents society, it has become that corrupt... this is why in the movie the devil corrupted a pure little girl so easily

society is screwed in the head
2017-02-05 00:21:02 UTC
Secular education is the only proper way to ensure that students are getting a proper education.

The story of religion in American schools, public and private, is a lot more complex and interesting than you might think.

Public schools were a result of the American Revolution. But this was a very different society. Religion played a much greater role in the lives of ordinary citizens, most of whom were Christian. Disputes in those days, well into the 19th century, weren't over Religious Vs. Secular, but rather sectarian.

Most people do not realize that at the time the Bill of Rights and the Establishment Clause were written, 6 states HAD established religion! The new Federal Government was assuring these states that they would not interfere with state-established religion.

It wasn't until the early 19th century and the Age of Jefferson that the Separation of Church and State became an issue. It was when Connecticut's establishment of Congregationalists were bullying the Baptist minority that Jefferson wrote his famous Letter to the Danbury Baptists.

The colleges which became our Universities were still considered Seminaries at this time, with mandatory prayer. Princeton is a perfect example. Students began to object to the religious requirements. They rioted and even detonated a bomb under Nassau Hall. (To this day, there is actually a crack in the building caused by this). Harvard and Yale also went through a transition from seminary to secular institution. In Princeton, the Princeton Theological Seminary was founded and the college itself secularized.

The Founders had different ideas about religious instruction in public schools, but of course this was not universal. In 1783, Continental Congress produced the Aitken Bible "for use in public schools." The production of this Bible and its stated purpose is recorded in the Papers of the Continental Congress, most notably in the folder "On Locating the Seat of Government," because they were also determining the location of the "Federal City" at this time. The purpose of this Bible was repeatedly stated as "use in public schools." This Bible was produced largely under the influence of the Rev. John Witherspoon, Signer of the Declaration, Ratifier of the Constitution, and President of Princeton. A sidelight: Witherspoon was one of the most influential yet forgotten of the Founders, and the reason he was not a participant of the Constitutional Convention was because he was attending a Constitutional Convention for the Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia that summer!

Benjamin Rush another signer of the Declaration, who also founded the American Bible Society: he wrote an essay "A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a School Book."

In modern times, we do have Fundamentalist Christians pushing for Bible instruction in public schools. Trump's nominee for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is among them. But DeVos comes from a bizarre organization called Amway,which scams hundreds of thousands every year. That is where her fortune is derived. Both Amway and the DeVos family advocate not only Biblical instruction in public schools, but promulgate an anti-science pro-Biblical philosophy. Paul Miller, one of Amway's stars, is just one of many who openly advocate this. I heard him in person, and others from Amway, state that Evolution is a scam, the Earth is 6000 years old and that Bibles should replace science books in schools.

This is a perfect example of why public schools must be secularized. Society and America itself has changed since the Founding generation.Voluntary, extracurricular religious instruction should be permitted, and it is necessary to understand the influence and role of religion in history and society, but this must be secular- not an easy task for teachers.
2017-02-04 03:15:20 UTC
In private, parochial schools? Sure, go ahead...knock yourself out.

In public schools? HELL NO!
2017-02-03 05:29:53 UTC
State and religion should not mix. Besides which Bible teacher would you choose for the school. If teaching comparitive religions yes, as then students are able to logically thinking through the ads and disads of each teaching and decide which one suits them. Christianity is all about choice - right?
2017-01-31 17:35:22 UTC
Because it's the right thing to do and children need to learn about God at school too. Not just church
Linda R
2017-01-30 05:13:12 UTC
To chase the Muslims away.
2017-01-30 03:31:48 UTC
we shouldnt
2017-01-29 23:10:40 UTC
No we shouldn't teach the bible in school. If parents want their children to learn the bible, then send them to church.
Par 4
2017-01-28 18:47:47 UTC
Literally the only time I ever learned about Jesus or anything else that had to do with the Bible in school was when I was in the seventh grade and we learned about world religions for a bit. We also learned about Muhammad and Islam and we also learned about Buddha and Buddhism.
2017-02-03 06:46:01 UTC
If you teach a child about Gods words,he /she wont let in go even if they are old.
2017-02-02 13:04:20 UTC
There can be no rational answer. What kind of school? What grade? Subject or religion? Location?
2017-02-01 19:53:20 UTC
No. The Bible should be taught at Bible college or by a trained pastor at church.
2017-02-01 18:42:53 UTC
Well, at least a class about the Bible.
2017-02-01 04:32:14 UTC
cause comparative religion classes would be weird if you left out christianity?
Tasha W
2017-01-31 19:36:10 UTC
I honestly don't see a problem teaching the Bible in school. We do teach other religions so why not. The Greek Gods, The Egyptian after life, The big bang theory, etc. so why not. All though if the Bible is taught I would think that the Quran and all of the other types of religious books should be taught also. Hmmmm I see a dilemma happening.
2017-01-31 03:08:43 UTC
because kids are becoming so immoral they do stuff that even pornstars would blush at

and they're smart enough to upload it online now (eg. french kissing, giving head etc)

Isn't this proof the world needs a little god in their life? Didn't we learn anything from 'the exorcist'?? there was a scene at the beginning where you see a religious statue covered in graffiti,

Whether you believe in god or not, this represents society, it has become THAT corrupt. This is why in the movie the devil corrupted a pure little girl so easily

society is screwed in the head
2017-01-31 00:48:30 UTC
Because what would you teach, Islam, Jewish faith or the 1000 variations of Christianity. The school system is overloaded as is, stop making the schools raise our children
2017-01-30 18:06:58 UTC
We should be teaching Humanity, which is not to be taught but as being human beings it should be in blood. But its sad that we should now start teaching it. This generation is more indulge in social sites and losing the actual bond of love,care, affection which should be in a family, friends and society. God has created us with difference. He created world with Varity and made it beautiful for us to live in. We have lost the power of tolerance of others existence and fight for rubbish worthless hopeless baseless reasons. We be more busy with social sites and selfies and likes and forwarding messages etc.rather than spending quality time with family, parents, children. If our society understands the value of positive human emotions like love,care, understanding, tolerance for other, acceptance for others...we don't need to teach anything else.
2017-01-30 18:03:20 UTC
Here you go
2017-01-30 05:07:15 UTC
We shouldn't. Church and state are separate
2017-01-30 03:38:43 UTC
in Christian schools OK
2017-01-30 01:49:04 UTC
Just teach common sense and educate on how to do things correctly.
2017-01-29 23:14:41 UTC
The Bible gives us, at the very least, a moral compass to live by, and a set of standards for democracy, free speech and equality - the very tenets our western democratic societies are based on. Since our social order is based on the book - it should be taught in schools. It was a mistake to take all spiritual teaching out of schools - a broader outlook would have been better. It seems we have replaced spirituality with sexuality - which is willingly taught in schools where one cannot mention a Bible. It's okay to murder babies in the womb, but not okay to execute a murderer of those who have been born. Seems out of whack to me.
2017-01-29 21:41:11 UTC
Because it's good.
2017-01-29 03:04:33 UTC
We shoudn't! Only private schools are allowed to teach religion because, there are Christian private schools, Jewish private schools, and Muslim private schools. Each person goes to the school of his religion. But, public schools are made for everyone to study together. It would be unfair to teach one religion to all the students while the other religions are not taught.
Hannah J Paul
2017-01-29 02:16:01 UTC
We should not. Period.

Hannah J Paul
2017-01-28 23:25:07 UTC
Becauseit's but **** crazy.
2017-01-28 20:48:15 UTC
We have a lot of books to read in college and rarely use them when we get out. Yet, we run into people who do read the bible and go by it in life. So no education would be complete without reading the bible.

But to teach religion would be wrong and against the constitution.
2017-01-28 18:56:58 UTC
You shouldn't bc it would have to be taught from a dispassionate Atheist's POV which undoubtedly would pizz -off a lot of students and their parents
2017-02-01 20:07:53 UTC
Because its hugely involved in our nations heritage and development. The reason our founding fathers wanted separation between church and state was because of the Catholic church was to involved in the British government, and Sharia law that commanded the government to kill gays and unfaithful women. The bible is the source of morality and it would help our children if we taught it again.
2017-01-31 15:54:28 UTC
God isn't real, the bible is full of ****.
Mike W
2017-01-31 13:31:42 UTC
Everyone should be begging to know. God is so full of love and everyone needs to read the Bible and cherish and praise our lord and savior Jesus Christ, and God so we can all be in peace and harmony and live a good life here on the earth he created for us. Everyone should know history through the eyes of the saints and angels, God, and Jesus and it is important for everyone to learn the sacred text.
2017-01-31 08:31:50 UTC
Ask gor
2017-01-31 07:36:13 UTC
Unless we are teaching about all of them, we should teach about none within the public school system. Families are diverse.

There are private religious schools, church, Sunday school, bible camps, etc. if you'd like you'd kid to learn about the Bible. You could also just talk with them yourself.
2017-01-31 01:11:24 UTC
2017-01-30 23:39:17 UTC
I think it is a good idea to teach the Bible in school so kids get a better understanding of it and get closer to God. It is also good to pray in school when possible.
Seneca Maximus
2017-01-30 19:54:34 UTC
The same reason they teach maths, science, art, music, geography, economics, history, and all the other subjects.
2017-01-30 11:21:06 UTC
we should not... period...

hannah j paul
2017-01-30 10:13:35 UTC
All modern medicine is based on the 'theory ' of evolution being correct. Hard to reconcile that with Genesis.
2017-01-30 04:27:09 UTC
Good question. I still do not understand why they teach lies to kids, but if they tell you to study the bible, tell them to give prove the bible is not full of lies.
Ari am Rior
2017-01-30 02:49:39 UTC
As history, philosophy, or literature, yes, but only in the context of a general study of religion, and with equal time to other world religions.

Probably only in high school and above, though, when people have learned enough about logical thinking to understand that view of it.

Definitely NOT in lower
2017-01-29 22:38:05 UTC
Jesus said to teach his teachings that his father embedded in him to spread knowledge worldwide to every nation .. we the ppl in his image .. the children shall lead them , we ourselves were children that grew to leaders and not only want our kids to succeed but the world
2017-01-29 19:56:24 UTC

Some schools have to teach creationism. its not right to teach only one viewpoint, that is the scientific stand. Its sorta like tasting an apple pie and saying its better than blueberry pie if you have never even had a blueberry pie or blueberry.
2017-01-29 19:39:35 UTC
We shouldn't. The only good thing from the Bible are the morals and the way of life that Jesus teaches. The rest is made up mambo jambo to control the people.
2017-01-29 09:49:10 UTC
There are lessons to learn from many sources. I would caution against getting stuck with any one alone.
2017-01-29 04:24:06 UTC
We shouldn't.
2017-01-29 01:31:28 UTC
Why would you. Leave that up to the parents
jon pike
2017-01-28 22:02:37 UTC
Literature, Law, Sociology, Poetry, Religion, Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology, Greco-Roman Empire, and the History of western Europe (including the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Enlightenment, and the discovery of the Americas).
2017-01-28 18:51:19 UTC
Its a good conversation starter. As long as you dont indictrin it and alliw people to have their own opinions anout it I think it is a super good book to use in schools. It mentions allot of common issues that all people encounter in life. Even though I think christianity as a faith is useless, I absolutely enjoyed studying the bible and the discussing and sharing everybodies take on it.

I would recommend it as a discussion piece.
2017-02-04 21:46:05 UTC
We shouldn't. To teach it in schools would be an indoctrination, and there is no sane reason for doing that. Whilst the bible is an interesting document describing tribal histories of long ago, there is no hard fact regarding its origins, its authors, and the original conflicts and event. It is also well worth remembering that in tribal or national conflicts, the histories are always written by the victors, and its no different today than it was then.

As a way of living, the principles of leading an existence based on a community of peaceful living and consideration is a good one. However, in the last 2000 years we don't seem to have been able to achieve it yet,. The weapons used may have changed, but the intentions remain exactly the same and with a far greater efficiency. Ridiculous.
2017-02-02 16:01:54 UTC
that is why we have Bible Schools for..
Dom Auturo
2017-02-02 11:30:39 UTC
The Bible is the most influential written document in recorded human history.
2017-01-31 04:22:56 UTC
They won't they tackled that long ago and came to the conclusion there will be no talk of any kind in pubic schools aint that somethin

Paul Beckwith
2017-01-30 23:20:25 UTC
then the schools may as well teach children that the tooth fairy is true too (both evidence-less)
2017-01-30 14:59:48 UTC
so what is the point in teaching the bible when people go to prison. why not startin school ???????
2017-01-30 14:31:27 UTC
Yes it should be taught.
2017-01-30 10:48:55 UTC
We should sometimes
2017-01-30 05:46:27 UTC
We shouldn't. We should show no religion favoritism. The only way we should teach the Bible is if we teach all religions. So if you're not comfortable with your child learning about Islam then you shouldn't expect everyone to be comfortable with their child learning about Christianity.
2017-01-30 00:48:40 UTC
I don't think so because in a lot of places it is very diverse with races, culture, and religion. Public school would be a bad idea to teach from the bible there but maybe a specific private school would be a good place.
2017-01-29 21:52:47 UTC
not in public schools, the teachers are not reliable to teach Biblical content if they haven't had training

the presence of religious things should be limited, ie. the Lord's Prayer, In God We Trust, or a Bible being accessible, the creche at Christmas time, it has as much reason to be there as a minorrah

our founding fathers relied on the Bible but wanted to make the practice of anyone's religion would not be deterred
2017-01-29 19:19:50 UTC
Why? Because we should! It isn't going to hurt one bit and the world would be a lot better place than it is now! And the teachers don't need to be narrow minded tunnel vision liberals either!
Diana M
2017-01-29 18:12:03 UTC
Mir Quasem
2017-01-29 04:05:02 UTC
We should adopt the policy of compromise.
2017-01-29 04:02:11 UTC
Well, it depends on WHICH teaching are you referring too. Doctrine of Christ, False Doctrine of cults like JW, Catholics, Muslims, Satanist, Scientology, Church of Science, Buddha, Hindu, etc. If its not the true doctrine of Christ then no, we should not teach in schools, leave to the family or church. Plus, the Atheist have taken over everything just about so I dont really see that happening.
2017-01-29 03:47:29 UTC
We shouldn't!
2017-01-29 02:22:26 UTC
If it is taught as LITERATURE, along with the literature of other religions, no problem.

If it is taught as somehow BETTER science and history than any alternative source of information, it may trigger the BULL5HIT detectors, and cause a panic.
2017-01-29 01:52:59 UTC
Your valuable suggestions are always welcome. We will stop it if you are so serious.

Since it is an imaginary question, the answer can also be imaginary.
the re - chosen one
2017-01-28 19:37:02 UTC
Because I discovered that mankind has mistranslated the scripture that makes up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical scripture. This led to the unscientific religious interpretations we still think they mean today. So where else should this mistranslation of ancient Biblical scripture that has been based on advanced fields of science unknown to mankind at that time and some fields of science still unknown to mankind today be taught to our children but in every public school's science classes around the world. Science is science even if it is found in ancient Biblical scripture.
2017-01-28 18:55:50 UTC
Because everyone should know how great the word of God is
2017-04-17 11:00:08 UTC
no... the bible should be taught at bible college or by a trained pastor at church...
2017-02-24 11:35:34 UTC
'cause kids are becoming so immoral they do stuff that even pornstars would blush at

and they're smart enough to upload it online now (eg... french kissing, giving head etc)

isn't this proof the world needs a little god in their life? didn't we learn anything from 'the exorcist'?? there was a scene at the beginning where you see a religious statue covered in graffiti,

whether you believe in god or not, this represents society, it has become that corrupt... this is why in the movie the devil corrupted a pure little girl so easily

society is screwed in the head
2017-02-04 04:17:44 UTC
Absolutely not, since they aren't real.
2017-02-03 19:15:02 UTC
we teach the bible in schools
2017-02-03 00:22:40 UTC
we should teach the bible in school and tell others about jesus and share the love and joy to every body,also so pepole have a point in life
Thunder Thunder
2017-02-02 04:27:43 UTC
2017-02-01 05:47:18 UTC
we shouldn't
2017-01-31 05:00:29 UTC
The best education for children should begin at home. Parents have the responsibility to teach their children about God and the Bible. However, many people think the Bible is outdated and not relevant today. In that case, children would not be taught about the Bible. There is an excellent website that answers Bible questions that will enable parents and children to have informed discussions about what the Bible really teaches. It's sad to say that there are many things taught in the name of religion, that is not in the Bible. Check it out.
2017-01-31 02:49:16 UTC
2017-01-31 01:44:49 UTC
I learned about Christianity and the four other world religions in world history...that s enough for me. Also, I don t want people s tax dollars going towards religious education when our country has NO official religion.
2017-01-30 17:29:52 UTC
Teaching the Bible would probably be a bad idea in public schools, due to the fact that many non-christians who are against the Bible would probably go crazy and start complaining to the school and its staff about it.
2017-01-30 15:56:51 UTC
Because the Bible is the final authority to our life's
2017-01-30 11:39:37 UTC
The school is part of the state.

The Bible is part of the church.

Our country is founded on the separation of these two, so keep it that way. I my self am a Christian but religion and politics do not go together.
2017-01-30 00:14:21 UTC
The only people that think we should teach the bible are conservative christians which are the minority in this country now but since they tend to associate with their own, they haven't realized it yet. Most people know you should keep it out of schools because if you don't you are forcing a theory/fairytale onto a majority of people who have other beliefs or aren't religious at all. I would be p*ssed if someone was trying to convince MY child that a man stayed alive in a fish's belly for days. Or that Adam and Eve were the only two people on earth. Yet somehow their son Cain went to the land of Nod and found a wife? I was raised in church and it baffles me that I was the only one listening thinking "huh?" It's ridiculous!
Kyojin The Giant
2017-01-29 22:48:37 UTC
We should not teach the Bible in public schools. That is a violation of separation of church and state in the US Constitution.
2017-01-29 21:52:20 UTC
We should teach it in the realm of folklore like we teach about the Paul dude and the ox, or mythology. Not seriously. Maybe in college courses we should add it to the mental disorders.
2017-01-29 21:11:34 UTC
I don't think schools should teach the bible to be precise, but should have a class which introduces students to world religions and shows them the differences and similarities of these religions, and from there students get to pick a precise course which they would want to study. For example. the first class would be "Introduction to religion" or just "religion" and from there when students learn about all the other religions, students get to pick a main course, such as "buddhism" "christianity" "Islam" "Judaism" "Hinduism" to name a few.
2017-01-29 18:26:51 UTC
The Bible should not be taught at public schools, but should be taught at schools that are religious. Enough said...
2017-01-28 19:15:12 UTC
You shouldn't. Religious indoctrination should be done in the home or in church. If you're going to teach the Bible in schools are you also going to teach other holy books like the Quran?
2017-01-28 19:13:34 UTC
We should not.
2017-02-16 02:05:56 UTC
cause comparative religion classes would be weird if you left out christianity?
2017-02-05 00:47:35 UTC
I thought that was what Sunday school was for unless you sent your kids to a parochial school.
2017-02-03 05:05:11 UTC
We shouldn"t
2017-02-01 16:26:43 UTC
Not just church.
2017-01-31 22:41:06 UTC
We have no right to teach the bible in public schools. This country was founded on the principal of separation of church and state. Not every kid that goes to school is a Christian, so they should not be forced to learn it. They should be accepted for who they are.
2017-01-30 22:03:33 UTC
because the rest of the world is stuffing Quran's (and other nasty things) down every kids throat.
2017-01-30 17:10:55 UTC
If you teach the bible in school, then you should teach the Quran, Torah..., and other religious texts, then only that statement is justified.
2017-01-30 06:14:32 UTC
We shouldn't.School is about facts the Bible is a source of religous belief.I am a Christian but that doesn't mean what I believe should be taught in public schools.Ever hear about the seperation of church and state.Those should remain seperate. I went to a private luthern high school so their may be some grey area their, but in in public schools where most kids go, the bible shouldn't be taught.

Some (so called) Christians look down on everyone else so they want the bible taught in public schools to make others more like them.
2017-01-30 01:25:34 UTC
Because it gives a vital insight into the morality needed to sustain life on earth and avoid destruction.
2017-01-30 00:10:24 UTC
yes as a curiclum for understanding how faith based belife systems behave

as you should teach all other religions so that people can get an outside look

{ by this i mean people who will read it like a book not a belife they hold should do so to give the students knowlage about these things and it should be made known to them that their is no evidance backing it up so its not fact but a study of human behavour}
2017-01-29 22:16:57 UTC
Some places do.
2017-01-29 22:06:33 UTC
because it helps us become better christians or better at our religion
2017-01-29 17:33:15 UTC
Comunism in Czech rep. solved it. 80% atheists
2017-01-29 17:24:24 UTC
we should. it educates the students
2017-01-29 08:46:18 UTC
This is a big question. I think, it would be horrible.
2017-01-29 05:28:09 UTC
Taught as fiction possibly.
2017-01-29 04:17:02 UTC
We shouldn't. We should teach about every religion, but the bible is going a bit in depth, and should probably be reserved for Sunday School.
Vincent G
2017-01-28 20:10:27 UTC
We shouldn't.

It is filled to the brim with horror, inaccuracies and garbage (Ezekiel bread, anyone?)
2017-01-28 18:53:54 UTC
We shouldn't. We should teach and learn to respect "all" religions because when or if they decide to take college courses they are going to realize that all religions and cultures are to be respected within their curriculum. Christianity even respects other religions when they go out and try to evangelize other nationalities. The other culture won't completely drop there own religion and Christians will accept that because they know they have to in order to have an open mind and availability to continue teaching them but Christianity never tries to completely sever their religions completely because its a part of their culture. The bible is a great book but just imagine a child asking why God was sending snakes to kill people in the old testament. It's a good idea but it has to be well thought out in order to shed the correct light.
2017-01-28 18:46:30 UTC
We shouldn't do any more than include Christianity in a class about world religions, beliefs, traditions, myths, legends, etc.

If parents choose to send their children to a church Sunday School, they're free to do so.
2017-02-07 13:56:11 UTC
No, we shouldn't. Religion is a choice, an upbringing, something taught at home. Not at school.

There are too many religions to be taught just one too.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2017-02-03 16:19:33 UTC
As long as its taught with the other epic fiction tales like Greek mythology I don't see a problem.
2017-02-03 13:16:07 UTC
No because to do so is to assume that the students at the school(s) are all Christians, when in fact this is not the case.

If people want the Bible then go to church join a Bible study group and so forth.

Likewise all other major religious books and works - the Qoran the Torah and etc.

Here in London UK all religions are represented - we also have the world's largest Hindu Temple outside of India, lots of Churches, Mosques and Synagogues and etc.

If people cannot get Church, Temple, Mosque etc. then they can always go online or visit Youtube, as I almost always do when I want some spiritual uplift.

But when I want a spiritual uplift I always go with the Greeks

The Greeks the most loved people on Earth with an all inclusive and democratic culture. As the Greeks say, if you want your culture to survive, share it.
2017-02-01 18:04:56 UTC
At the very least, there's wisdom in there that has been passed down thru generations.

People who have gone before you sharing what they have learned.

Proverbs is great.

I think there's a college class that teaches the Bible "as a historical document."
2017-02-01 07:26:46 UTC
There is more than one religion that people practice and there are schools dedicated to those religions (i.e. Catholic school for christians and yeshiva for jews). There are also other religious instructional programs in place by the people's respective house of prayer (i.e Sunday School or CCD for Christians). There is a plethora of schools that teach the Bible, so to mandate it in public schools--that are established for people of all religions--is unnecessary and would be unjust for those who practice a different religion.
2017-01-31 23:01:28 UTC
In the US there is a separation of Church and State consequently the Bible should only be taught in Private Religious School, public funds cannot be used for Private schools
2017-01-31 16:40:40 UTC
Because it's the truth
2017-01-31 12:08:35 UTC
We shouldent
2017-01-30 20:47:14 UTC
A sense of decentcy and morality?
2017-01-30 18:50:11 UTC
Maybe because so many of the other things you read refer to the Bible. Maybe because the Bible is central to western civilization and if you don't know anything about it you are more or less illiterate.
shyam kumar
2017-01-30 13:07:57 UTC
Actually in one way the people who believe in bible advertise for Christianity. in other way the bible is holy voice given by god, which contains a lots of good things which can help for children to think in good way
2017-01-30 04:09:05 UTC
literature, law, sociology, poetry, religion, philosophy, cultural anthropology, greco-roman empire, and the history of western europe (including the renaissance, the reformation, the age of enlightenment, and the discovery of the americas)...
2017-01-30 02:58:37 UTC
oh maybe cause its the basis for most of western societies laws.

a history of a very important part of our planet. to wit: middle east

It has been approved by several governments already!

and at least the most important book on ethics and or tolerance.

the great men that were allowed by God to be part in writing it helped shape the World.
2017-01-30 01:57:48 UTC
So that kids learn about different religions. But schools should be teaching every holy text, not just the bible
2017-01-29 16:35:38 UTC
Because its the truth. And christianity builds character. It also pushes kids to do right and kind things at a young age.
2017-01-29 16:06:25 UTC
He's on the list with Nixon, Raegen, and both Bushes
The Football God
2017-01-29 14:53:15 UTC
By whom? A non-believer? I was always taught in school there are TWO beliefs in how the world came into existence. Follow your beliefs. Personally, i choose creationism the leads to an ever evolving way to who and how we became what we are today.
2017-01-28 20:10:10 UTC
They use to do that in America, then the liberals, and atheists, voted God out, and look at the mess things are in now (almost apocalyptic). Here is a preview of what is coming in the near future....

There are dark times ahead, Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

The coming time is darker than most are aware and they will get even darker when the 'Tribulation'

period described in the bible starts.

Obadiah 1:15 “For the day of the Lord upon all the nations is near; As you have done, it shall be done to you; Your reprisal shall return upon your own head.

That time is a seven year 'Tribulation' period when the Anti-Christ rules the one-world government.

It starts with the Rapture (when Jesus takes His believers to heaven) and ends at the Second coming of Jesus Christ seven years later. Most of the wicked and many unbelievers will be judged during this time. However, many others will be saved and go to heaven, except now they will have to forfeit their life to be saved. The Bible says that the seven year tribulation period is so bad that men will faint in horror at the things coming upon the earth. World leaders will be confused and it won’t be until shortly after the seals are broken that the people on earth realize that the wrath of God has been poured out as promised by the Bible. The men on earth will try to escape but there will be no refuge. It will be so bad that men will seek that the stones fall on them in order to hide them from the one who sits on the throne in Heaven. This is a dramatic account of the tribulation period. The purpose of the tribulation period is to punish unrepentant sinners and to call Israel to redemption through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, it will take over two-thirds of the world’s population to perish before the tribulation period will end. Yet when the tribulation period ends it will result in the redemption and regeneration of the Jewish people.
Christian Sinner
2017-01-28 18:55:35 UTC
History, maybe. But I don't trust the government with the Bible. The churches have enough problems teaching it right.

If that seems far-fetched, just look at Church history. It won;t take you long to see the problems they made for themselves.
2017-01-28 18:52:06 UTC
Because we teach very little of anything else useful in this world.
2017-04-23 06:13:39 UTC
'cause kids are becoming so immoral they do stuff that even pornstars would blush at

and they're smart enough to upload it online now (eg... french kissing, giving head etc)

isn't this proof the world needs a little god in their life? didn't we learn anything from 'the exorcist'?? there was a scene at the beginning where you see a religious statue covered in graffiti,

whether you believe in god or not, this represents society, it has become that corrupt... this is why in the movie the devil corrupted a pure little girl so easily

society is screwed in the head
Dance Teacher
2017-02-06 11:29:41 UTC
We shouldn't. There's a legal seperation of church and state. (Although idk if Trump understands that)
2017-02-06 08:24:00 UTC
We should not! If we respect other people's religion.
2017-02-01 19:40:28 UTC
We shouldnt tho
2017-01-31 18:47:55 UTC
How may we help our children to love and fear THE ALMIGHTY? The answer to that question is found in the Law that Jehovah gave the people of Israel through the prophet Moses. Israelite parents were told: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force. And these words that I am commanding you today must prove to be on your heart; and you must inculcate them in your son and speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.”—Deuteronomy 6:5-7.

This passage teaches parents important lessons. One is this: As a parent, you must set a good example. To teach your children to love Jehovah, you yourself must love God, and his words must be on your heart. Why is this so important? Because you are the primary teacher of your children. What they learn from your example will have a profound effect on them. And nothing exerts more influence on a child’s life than parental example.

Your dreams, ideals, values, and interests manifest themselves not only in what you say but also in what you do. (Romans 2:21, 22) From infancy, children learn by carefully observing their parents. Children perceive what is important to their parents, and these are the things that often become important to young ones.
Fort Erudite
2017-01-31 08:59:07 UTC
We must teach the Bible at school. It is important for young children to learn to become sanctimonious judgemental homophobic adults who show contempt with atheists and pagans.
2017-01-30 23:33:24 UTC
We teach the bible in school for pupils to have better understand
2017-01-30 18:43:23 UTC
lots of sex and violence

2017-01-30 16:05:06 UTC
To give the kids something to laugh about
2017-01-30 08:47:29 UTC
Maybe because it relates some common values. Just the basics. It sets a foundation for children. You do not have to believe in Christianity but maybe you follow the 10 commandments from the old testemant. Is that bad? You do not have to convert, just that these rules are solid in any religion, no matter who you choose to pray to.
2017-01-30 01:44:51 UTC
Teach satanism.
2017-01-29 20:27:08 UTC
white power !!!!!
2017-01-29 18:05:51 UTC
Atheism is a disability
2017-01-29 17:43:18 UTC
The bible should not be taught in public schools. No more than should the Koran or the Torah. Keep religion out of public schools. If parents choose to have their children attend a religious school that is their choice. The children in public schools come from different backgrounds and their families involved in various religions. Why should a child that is comes from a Buddhist or a Baptist background be exposed to a Catholic, or Evangelical Christian religion and be expected to learn about it. This is not North Korea where all children must learn one "religion".
2017-01-29 15:18:04 UTC
No, there are many children with different beliefs in the schools.
2017-01-29 06:02:50 UTC
HELL NO!!!! It's bad enough I'm surrounded by religious nuts at school already
2017-01-29 00:04:05 UTC
Why should we teach the bible in schools?

To Build up faith, hope and joy in the world we live in. The bible helps restore peace and joy to our life and it is also, a very good teacher of wisdom, knowledge, strength, and happiness.

Everyone should have the chance to experience the kingdom of God though the teachings of the bible.
Zulcan The Great.
2017-01-28 21:31:57 UTC
Why teach classic American literature at schools too?

I attended a strict Catholic school in Australia during the 1970s and we had to learn American literature as curriculum for English. I have never used it when I was in the workforce.
2017-01-28 18:49:45 UTC
you shouldnt. kids are there to learn proper stuff not religious shite
2017-01-28 18:48:06 UTC
Because your mama's mammaries are so huge, cows milk her.
2017-02-19 22:45:14 UTC
we shouldn't... church and state are separate
2017-02-01 17:36:49 UTC
To cheat and covet thy neighbour's wife
2017-02-01 14:35:04 UTC
We shouldn't mate
2017-02-01 12:49:41 UTC
because all religions are same.
2017-02-01 12:36:25 UTC
In order to teach the children the right moral way to follow in life so that peace can be sustained.
2017-01-31 23:41:06 UTC
If you want Christianity taught in schools, then you have to allow Muslim religion and all others
2017-01-31 17:12:24 UTC
Schools should quit teaching Bible to students. They teach Bible to erase freedom.
2017-01-31 12:29:24 UTC
Bible is came from Allah So it should read every schools.
2017-01-31 00:50:56 UTC
we should nt
2017-01-30 18:36:57 UTC
Have a voucher system and let people choose their own schools.
Moahmmad Mehedi
2017-01-30 15:56:08 UTC
because student should be aware of their religion in a very little age .
2017-01-30 00:42:03 UTC
It's not necessary. Kids in the US can go to many, many nearby churches, if they choose to do so. Most have activities for kids on Sundays, Wednesdays, and often, other days, including trips, camps, etc. Parents who want their kids to have more Bible education can send them to church schools. There are at least three of these, in my town. Parents also have the option of home schooling, to teach their own religious beliefs.
2017-01-29 23:07:30 UTC
Because your evil soul needs saving
2017-01-29 20:51:02 UTC
We should not. It is a book of lies.
2017-01-29 19:26:20 UTC
U should not , your wasting time that could be used for other subjects that are more important. Trust me i ho to a christian school and i have 5 re lessons every 2 weeks, thats a whole day. Whereas in one of my sciences i only get 2 lessons every 2 weeks. And what if i wanted to become a doctor or something, all that time is wasted on something i dont need. If u want to learn about the bible do it outside of school
2017-01-29 19:23:04 UTC
Because the Living Word is more valuable for life than all other books combined.
2017-01-28 22:29:23 UTC
Except for religious schools the Bible should never be taught or denied in any public school.
2017-01-28 19:24:20 UTC
School is for education not indoctrination!

It was not too long back when schools taught comparative religions giving a fair appraisal of many religions and at that time prayer was also used. Then the Christians demanded that only Christianity be taught and as everyone knows that is against the constitution so religion and prayer were removed!

If you got your way and taught the bible would you accept Sharia Law for punishments?
2017-01-28 19:19:41 UTC
Even if you don't believe it should be taught as religious truth, it is too important culturally and historically to not be taught:

1. Some books of the Bible (eg Job, Ecclesiastes) are important pieces of ancient literature in the own right, and deserve to be taught just as much as classical greek and latin literature does.

2. The Old Testament history of Israel an the rise of Christianity are major elements of world history, and the Bible is the principal source for studying these.

3. Anyone who is ignorant of the Bible lacks the key to a huge amount of western cultural heritage. Christianity has had a major influence on artists, musicians and authors over many centuries, and the Bible provides the source of much of their imagery and allusions.
2017-01-28 18:49:39 UTC
no. even as a catholic i don't support it. Separation of church and state?
2017-04-18 03:44:57 UTC
no... the bible should be taught at bible college or by a trained pastor at church...
Mortal Dimunitive
2017-02-03 08:15:57 UTC
Because the Bible is the Holy word of God.

And our children used to be decent now many are ugly heathens
2017-02-01 17:49:33 UTC
so children shall have a moral upbringing... but leave out the bible if you want... teach instead the truths that it contains, like the golden rule...
2017-02-01 14:25:21 UTC
the holy book always gives us true knowledge so we should teach holy books in school.It may be Bible, Koran, Geeta or any other.
2017-02-01 13:47:48 UTC
Because you can get a good discount if you buy in bulk.
2017-01-31 14:42:59 UTC
when the media is around, that teaches us everything...then god wont do anything, just annoy them....but if we made every matter in media and books all about morality and god, and somehow whiped the memory of the atheists about hating the idea of god then we would have full control....that might be effective if we want to make people work hard without worrying about dying and being bullied ( if modern religion was used, not like the old one), it would feel as if there is something wrong...but it wouldnt be! ofcourse many people would be brainwashed, but at least we would be ummm.....doing something....we wont have dem starships...but we will have forests and ....yeah....religion is sort of useless or you can try to teach kids only about morality, by using religion, which would be helpful if we want to stop disagreement ( not fully stop, but sorta stop ) between humans..
2017-01-31 06:15:35 UTC
Yes Definetly Bible should be taught in schools, as students can learn goog habits and humanity along with the academic subjects.
2017-01-30 23:55:22 UTC
Because it teaches you to be righteous and god seeking hope for a afterlife. A reason to live which they may not have otherwise.
2017-01-30 15:14:59 UTC
no, it's fake news
2017-01-30 14:30:11 UTC
Because of its enormous importance in the evolution of European civilisation over the last two millenia. You cannot, for instance hope to understand references in painting, sculpture and literature alone without knowing it. This has nothing to do with "belief", no more than a faith in Catholicism is needed to study Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama. It just happens to be the bedrock of our history, however fortunate or unfortunate that factor may be.
2017-01-30 13:15:19 UTC
It's to set a guideline. Kind of like English. It's a universal language. In a way, the teachings of the Bible is the universal moral guidelines that children should be taught. Afterall, the Bible teaches us mostly about love. With all the wars and battles mentioned in the Bible (duhh), children are less likely going to exposed to them. Now, when they get older, they can have the freedom whether to continue being taught the Bible or not, maybe even choose another religious practise.
2017-01-30 00:50:54 UTC
We really should try to stay away from religion as much as possible during school.
2017-01-29 13:13:35 UTC
Its religious I m Hindu but I know every holy book show path and enlightenment people find strength in it ..
2017-01-28 19:18:37 UTC
We should not teach religion in public schools. There are subjects to learn in school, and there are subjects to learn at church. If you attend a private school, then religion can be taught.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.